Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP)™

Become a Certified Kinesiopractor® with us

which we develop by fostering sustainable relationships with a highly reputed global organization that continuously strives for innovation and perfection. Building such professional partnership truly reflect our values and aspirations, further compelling us to excel as leaders in our field.

Professional Kinesiology Practice

The Courses Overview

1st Year

Basic Kinesiology Practice (BKP)-
International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice

This 12-month curriculum introduces important areas of professional kinesiology where students can build the skills needed to become practitioners. Designed to be enjoyable, easy, and enlightening, these workshops benefit those looking to explore inspiring career paths, develop new skills, and promote their health and lifestyle.

12 modules or 500 hours
Available Date:
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Course Price:
3,885.00 AED (per module)

Powerful Specializations

which can be taken based on personal preference after completing BKP™


International Certificate in Energy Psychology

This is the perfect Diploma for those wanting to assist clients suffering mental &/or emotional trauma including those feeling deeply unsafe or helpless from a past event or an ongoing experience, like chronic abuse, bullying, discrimination, or humiliation.

As a student, the time you spend absorbing this material will progressively enhance your life and your business. Don’t rush this process of expanding the range and depth of your mastery. Give yourself at least six or seven months to absorb, change, grow, and use each step to support clients on their journey. Albert Schweitzer said, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful”. You are going to love this Diploma.

8 Modules
Certificate in BKP
Available Date:
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Course Price:
3,885.00 AED (per module)


International Certificate in Dietary & Nutritional Science

The knowledge & skills from this training will bring you into a huge group of clients suffering from immune mismatch responses, depleted health and vitality, adrenal exhaustion, chronic fatigue, overgrowths, and overload of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other environmental factors.

How you determine and educate when and how often to reintroduce that food again will become a major source of new clients. Also, you will clear inhaled and contact allergens relating to work or the environment. You will learn to do a nutritional analysis, how to improve metabolic function, clear sabotages, and review lifestyle changes to reduce the accumulation of negative stressors in the workplace or home. Help balance out blood sugar problems, find the specific activities that bring joy, improve oxygen uptake, increase resistance, and attract desired outcomes.

5 Modules
Certificate in BKP
Available Date:
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Course Price:
3,885.00 AED (per module)


International Certificate of Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation & Reintegration

Dr. Dewe’s regional muscle protocols, eg. 22 muscles around the shoulder. True functional anatomy. New tools related to muscles and skin.

Deeply embedded or submerged emotions can cripple us with pain or restricted movement. Some people with trauma (physical/mental/emotional) express this as muscle hypertonicity, causing spasticity, so walking, talking, & sitting is difficult, and it can be expressed as a learning disorder. With this diploma, you will learn various knowledge and techniques to solve these.

17 Modules
Certificate in BKP
Available Date:
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Course Price:
3,885.00 AED (per module)


International Certificate of Learning, Metaphysical, Holographic & Vibrational Energies

This is the Diploma for those who want to assist clients struggling to comprehend and perform in their studies, or those aging whose neurological performance is decreasing.

You will understand yourself better: your reactions on autopilot under stress, and your individual aptitudes. You will see how key facial features show your talents and strengths, your constitutional health challenges, and what personality traits you can develop in your life. You will learn to appreciate those strengths, understand challenges, how to get your needs met, and also how to relate to others better through understanding their instinctual behavior, strengths, and challenges.

10 Modules
Certificate in BKP
Available Date:
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Course Price:
3,885.00 AED (per module)

What is Professional Kinesiology™?

It is the study of body movement and encompasses holistic health disciplines that use gently manual muscle testing to monitor information about a person's well-being. It originated in the 1960s, combining Western techniques with Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. It is the fundamental principles and methods of the field of energy body engineering with an overview of the major energy systems of the body and how these interface to produce our physiology, feelings, thinking, and higher states of spiritual awareness.

What does a ICPKP® Professional Kinesiologist do?

As Professionals, ICPKP® trained Professional kinesiologists to work with a powerful goal, something a person truly wants. They balance the body's energy systems to find out the blockages with the disempowering emotions online. They help people to achieve their goals faster through deep understanding and knowledge by resetting the body systems.

ICPKP-trained kinesiologists are energy medicine specialists who emphasize health maintenance, client education, and client responsibility by identifying the causative influences triggering health imbalances. Professional Kinesiology Practitioners demonstrate how a thought automatically generates a feeling state that is expressed as an emotion then language, which at the same time creates a physiological state that may then alter muscle tone and even posture, hence influencing our focus in life.

ICPKP practitioners measure imbalances by muscle testing the life energy in muscles, the nerve plexiglass, the meridian systems, and other neural reflexes in the body that the more conventional modalities overlook. Anything ICPKP practitioners do or help the client restore health, wellness, and vitality is aimed at balancing energy and enhancing the body's own innate healing powers.

How does Professional Kinesiology™ help?

Professional Kinesiology™ is the most holistic of all the natural health care systems. It is embedded in Neurology, Anatomy and Physiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Emotional Intelligence, and Spiritual Awareness. It can relieve pain, stress, and muscular and nervous disorders, detect allergies and nutritional deficiencies, assist with psychological and learning problems, stimulate energies, and release untapped potential at a deep cellular level.

Professional Kinesiology™ can relieve pain, stress, and muscular and nervous disorders, detect allergies and nutritional deficiencies, assist with psychological and learning problems, stimulate energies, and release untapped potential at a deep cellular level.

How does it work?

Professional Kinesiology™ uses muscle testing as a way of assessing the flow of energy (chi, prana) through the acupressure meridians, and the various body systems. Muscles are linked to meridians, meridians send energy to the different organs, however when a meridian is blocked, the organ eventually will not function properly and will develop a named disease.

By using muscle function, the endpoint of functional neurology, we evaluate the system and find the correction(s) that it needs. Because we are constantly shifting our energy to adapt to the stressors of life to keep ourselves alive while functioning at our best. We bring awareness to our clients that they create everything.

"Kinesiology in its simplest form, which is structural, focuses on improving the weak rather than trying to back up the strong. So it’s a completely unique and different approach."

Dr. Bruce Dewe M.D. - Founder of ICPKP™

"The most accurate diagnosing tool you can have is in your office. Your patient with innate intelligence, the body language combined with muscle testing".

Dr. George J. Goodheart - Founder of Applied Kinesiology.

"I treasure the Touch for Health Synthesis. I see it as a candle lighting others the way to better health and living. I believe each of us holds such a candle, perhaps as yet unlit, that can serve to guide those we cherish safely towards a more abundant life."

John Thie - Founder of Touch for Health, USA

What our STUDENTS say

For our PKP™ teacher in Dubai, Michelle Chedotal, I feel such gratitude, most of all the way that she challenged each one of us to reach our potential. And for my classmates, a deep thank you for making this year, a year full of love, caring and sharing. More so, I want to deeply thank my husband and my daughter for their patience, tolerance and understanding over my years of deep suffering, marginalizing myself from the family and yet, still be here with me today! I am Bron, and I feel so complete!

Bronwyn Pretorius


I have no words to describe the extent of my gratitude towards her and the nobility of her giving. No money in the world can reward this and to this point, money was never her object. I feel blessed that our paths have crossed and every time I meet someone who is in any kind of struggle, I prescribe seeing Michelle. Thank you, Michelle, for the love, light and the abundant unconditional healing. May the universe shower you with more of the same.

Carmen Jressati

Kinesiology Client Experience

Zahra Assefi had a massive phobia of dogs (called as cynophobia) which was a real issue for her having friends with dogs and could not visit them. After one session in Professional Kinesiology Practice working with a powerful goal set up, we cleared sabotage programs and worked with compulsive behaviors- phobia. We also worked with Pranic Healing to clean it in the energy field as blockage, so it did not materialize again. Within one day, we tested it with my own dogs and Zahra was amazed at how comfortable she was around them. She is now free of the phobia that was embedded in her past and enjoys freely new furry friends when she meets them. A spectacular result for her.

Zahra Assefi


Michelle’s wide spectrum of tools used during our sessions, including coaching, pranic healing, and kinesiology, has always supported me over the years, to raise my awareness and to become a better version of myself every year. I will always be grateful for getting to know Michelle and for her impact on me, my family, my love ones, and our lives. Thank you very much, Michelle. People like you make life worth experiencing. God Bless You!

Hesham Diab

PCC, MPA, B. Sc. ME, Executive Partner, Kinesiology Client Experience

"Quite an overdue message but I simply want to say THANK YOU! I am truly grateful for the time you spent with me and all your help. I am still trying to figure out what magic you have done in that session but really doesn't matter because all I can say is that I feel much better and... thank you for making me realize how blessed and privileged I am. So grateful for you."

Basma E.

Kinesiology Client Experience

"Michelle, thank you for taking care of us, guiding us, teaching us, assisting, listening... You are the reason whom we are all growing today and that "special" ability goes beyond any book. I am very lucky to have you as a teacher. Thank you again. Today and always."

Maria Laura Bottini


"A key player in my journey of transformation is my incredible Professional Kinesiology Practice and Pranic Healing instructor, Michelle Chedotal. Through KinesioCoach, my classmates and I learned powerful techniques that created a cosmic shift in my life. Some members are now high-level leaders in their industry and one of them is also in the AD business as a successful Managing Director. Michelle’s wisdom, spiritual inclination, and support helped me navigate challenges and embrace opportunities with renewed confidence. I am deeply grateful for the profound impact she had on my life. Today as an Executive Creative Director, I stand tall, knowing that the teachings channeled by her have shaped me into the leader I am today."

Marie Claire Maalouf

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